Hi, I'm Povynn. I'm a lakesprit, which means I'm like Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf!
I also happen to be a psych major, and an artist.

Age 25, a guy

Psych Major

Joined on 9/14/17

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Lakesprit Weekly - Week 33

Boom! Pops up to life and works!

On a previous newsletter I said that I owned 3 laptops/computers on my lifetime (previous computers I used were family computers). I have a laptop from 2014, which I call the leanlaptop, which I still use sometimes. I have a laptop from 2017, which I call the Taiwanese Gaming Laptop (well, there's a lot of Taiwanese Gaming Laptops out there), which I thought that died on 2021, and I have another gaming laptop that I use since 2021, which I call the Fairmont Audain Station, which is the one I use the most.

It was a late night in 2021, at my place, at my bedroom. I opened up Minecraft to log into 2B2T, I had done it before, I wanted to play some more, but, since there was a queue, I just let it run so I could log in when its ready. So, in the meantime, I was about to use my tablet, but instead of putting the tablet end on the tablet, I put the plug in the wrong direction, and in an instant! The computer shut off.

I tried to turn it on, nothing happened. I plugged off the tablet, nothing happened.

I tried to plug off the charging plug, nothing happened, moved the battery, nothing happened.

Charged it and waited some hours, nothing happened.

It seemed as if my computer was dead.

Thought of having it repaired, but that would mean someone would be touching my computer and seeing my personal files, so I gave up on that.

With lament and sorrow I put my 2021 computer inside the backpack that came with, along with the charger and the mouse, and had to use the leanlaptop until a new one arrived.

I had so much stuff in that, stuff that was useful. I had music inside it, that I produced.

I had Minecraft worlds on it.

Ever since that happened, I now tend to keep things backed up on external hard drives and clouds.

Last week, out of curiosity, took the 2021 laptop out of the bag, and charged it. This time I prepared an usb stick with rEFInd on it, assuming that the computer didn't boot because it forgot where the bios was. But after an hour of charging, and after opening the lid... it just BOOM, pops up to life and works!

And I never knew why it "died" and why it came back to life.

So I did the first thing that came up to my mind.

Backed up all the things I thought that were lost forever. Put them on my external hard drive.

And now I want to share some of that stuff with you now.

The 4 music tracks I posted some days ago were on that laptop. Still got more to show.

Most of these were from an abandoned project, but I might recycle them for future stuff, like videos, or animations!

Ah, yes, just a quick warning, if I'm on discord, I will never tell you to download a link to a game. That's a rule of thumb.

I'm glad I was able to recover the laptop, I thought that was all gone forever! That I had my thing bricked forever!

Normal Tuesday Night (for Magolor)

Light spoilers for Magolor epilogue

So I beat the Magolor Epilogue on Kirby's return to dreamland deluxe. I loved it, I do love the music, specially the one where Magolor has to use an ability to get through a level, you know, the one that remixes "Looming Darkness".

I might even wanna make music like that.

Has this ever happened to you?

You are on a discord server.

Someone says "Why did (any person or organization) do (thing that makes them lose money)"

Someone else says "Because they want money" (but never explain how that would make them money or the real reason)

While it is true that many people do things to get money, after all, Adam Smith once said...

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities, but of their advantages

...sometimes, there are things that... like, make no sense at all.

Like when Discord changed their logo to a futuristic text to just a bold normal text.

Or like Discord updates on some devices making it crash (wouldn't this make them get less money?)

The problem is that people tend not be helpful answering questions, and I think organizations and people should explain themselves, instead of just being left with a vague answer.

Public Service Announcement (without sugarcoating)

Youtubers with "correct" opinions are not your friends. They run a channel, so you never know if they're just picking the "best" opinions just to make a career out of it. And once you reach the day where you have the "uncool" opinion, you'll realize that it wasn't a good idea to think someone is correct on everything, specially a youtuber.

(specially politicians too! but I think many people get the memo now in politics)

You should think for yourself instead.

(had to say it because I know like two friends who are like this)

Oh yeah, remember the LTT drama? There's your example. Can't even trust tech youtubers!

Ending on a positive note

Let's wrap this up in a good note! I'll be uploading more music!

And I will also be making more music. I got my DAW installed on Linux now, and will be bringing my plugins so I can make more music like that.

I also plan to make videos for PMD: Starscape Weaver... I think the format would be like a visual novel, but it wouldn't be like a typical visual novel story, something like Siivagunner's Christmas Comeback Crisis. I heard they got stuck at episode 10 of 12, and were using video editing software to make the videos. Can you imagine? They would have to type every single letter for each frame. So I plan to use a visual novel engine and then record the gameplay.

I still have to watch the CCC, one day I'll do a marathon. Oh yeah, but first, I'll play Kirby: Planet Robobot

I should make a list of Kirby games that I beat